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Sunday 28 February 2016

Racist Politcal Code Language

Below is a list of racist code words I've picked up from the Media
  • Westernised - A process of a culture becoming Westernised which is basically a culture adopting European ideals. Many times when this word is uttered of the mouths of people its said in a positive light. ''Well, China is becoming Westernised so that's good'' why is that good that a Country is loosing its interesting dynamic culture?

  • Globalisation - The world is more connected transport wise and the internet has made the world smaller definitely however the process of globalisation is simply a Europeanisation of the world. The spread of American fast food chains, the spread of the English, French, Spanish and reduction of local languages. The introduction of Western clothes, introduction to Eurocentric standards of beauty and view of the world

  • Expat - What you call a White person who moves to a foreign country. For example when a White British person moves to Barbados or Kenya.

  • Immigrant - What you call a Non-white person who moves to a foreign country. For example when a Kenyan moves to Britain or Canada

  • Thug- A criminal who lives a difficult life that happens to be of African ancestry. (Notice how thugs are glorified)

  • Far right - A white supremacist group or an ''extremist'' group, like the EDL

  • 1st world country - A normal White Country that hasn't been invaded by White travellers

  • 3rd world country - A non-white country that has been invaded by White travellers

  • Sub-Saharan Africa - The scary bit of Africa where all the poverty is

  • Black African - Real poor Africa

  • Black People - The evil scary people

  • Natives - The unintelligent people

  • White People - Human. That is all.

  • Chinese - Virtually anyone from Eastern Asian countries like; Vietnam, Cambodia, Japan, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bhutan, North Korea, South Korea, Burma, Laos, Mongolia, Nepal and Singapore.

  • Terrorist - A Muslim or Non-white who kills multiple people

  • Radicalised - A Muslim or Non-white who becomes a terrorist

  • Extremist - A Muslim or Non-white person who disagrees with the government

  • Serial killers - White people who Kill multiple people

  • Mass Murderer - White people who kill multiple people

  • Exotic - Beautiful or interesting but not normal beautiful

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