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Saturday 2 April 2016

''Islamopbobia'' Is Just White Supremacy Ideology

Many people think of a Muslim person looking like brown in skin tone, with a beard if male or wearing Hijab or a Burqa if Female

Its clearly obvious most people think of ''Muslim'' in a racial term, the rise of 'Islamophobia'' came out of the West's demonization of Middle Eastern Countries, in the attempt to invade the Countries under the lie that the governments are oppressing the citizens. Perpetuating that lie via the propaganda news.

When Western governments invade Non-White majority Countries (which is all the time) it tends to be for imperialistic reasons be it for oil, gas, removing a government that doesn't support the West's agenda, gas, for monetary reasons or other similar reasons. The spread of Islamophobia in the 2000s was a deliberate attempt to fuel white supremacy ideology many ''far right'' groups are now claiming Muslims want to invade (oh, the irony) Western Countries to impose sharia law. Governments will claim that they did not intend to fuel anti-Muslim sentiment but if they didn't why is Muslim terrorism given more airtime on the news? Are there no White terrorism? Indian terrorism? Liberal terrorism? Police terrorism? No, just Muslims, my mistake...

Everyone's ideology is criticised but White supremacy ideology and its by-products; Imperialism, Neo-colonialism, Capitalism and Islamophobia.

According to Wikipedia Islamopbobia:
Islamophobia (or anti-Muslim sentiment) is the prejudice against, hatred or bigotry towards, or fear of the religion of Islam or Muslims.
My definition
Islamophobia is an expression of White supremacy ideology towards Muslim people of predominately Arabian or North African ancestry.
Muslims are bombed everyday by Western governments but who cares? Some European people are shot and its breaking news for days if not weeks. The unequal responses to atrocities around the world signifies Non-whites matter less than a White person's life.

The main difference between WSI targeted towards Muslims and WSI attacked towards Black People/Africans is that skin colour plays an important role when an African person is being racially abused or oppressed by a wider system. However WSI isn't just about skin colour; its about an idea that Non-European cultures are inferior to that of European cultures. This is how Islam is looked at, its looked at as barbaric though yes there's room for criticism when it comes to Islam however, there is a whole lot of criticism that should be targeted towards White cultures, too.

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