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Wednesday 24 February 2016

Why Do Black Women Wear False Hair?

That's a common question among many people. ''Why do Black Women wear weave'' ''Why do Black Woman wear false hair'' or some other variation. Well I'm going to give you an honest answer to those questions.

The wearing of weave on Black Women is to emulate straight hair that White People typically have on their head. Now, some may disagree and they have a right to but this is a fact. There's no other rational reason why Millions of Black Women over the world wear hair that doesn't look like their own.

A brief history of Afro-textured hair

Historically in Africa before the invasion of Europeans onto African land Africans would wear their hair in its natural state with ease there was no excuses like the following.

''Afro hair is to hard to maintain''

''Afro hard is ugly''

''Afro hair takes long to grow''

''Its not professional looking''

''My Mum never taught me''

''Its too picky''

and so on...

Afro hair historically would have been braided, put into dreadlocks, buns, put into twists and probably many other different hair styles that I either can't think of at the moment or have been lost in time. During the Atlantic slave trade (yes, it always seems to begin with this) Europeans as we all may know saw Africans as inferior this developed into an idea that Africans hair was dirty and disgusting so Europeans would demand that they either shave their head or cover it with a scarf. The
''thicker'' the Afro-hair the more inferior it was to the Europeans, after countless generations passed this mindset was seen as ''normal'' this soon developed into African women straightening their hair to be seen as more closer to Whites while the Men would shave their head short constantly.
So if you haven't worked it out the reason why Black Women wear false hair is because they feel subconsciously or consciously that there Afro hair is inferior, dirty, nasty and unwomanly compared to straight hair.
Next time you see a Black woman or straightened or false hair ask them why don't you wear your natural hair? The answers would probably be;

''Afro hair is to hard to maintain''

''Afro hard is ugly''

''Its my preference''

''Its none of your business''

''Afro hair takes long to grow''

''Its not professional looking''

''Its too picky''

and so on...
I'll guarantee it! 

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