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Wednesday 24 February 2016

Introduction Of White Supremacy Ideology

The popular view of White supremacy is of racist skinheads who go around beating up anyone that isn't deemed ''White'' like Neo-Nazi groups or of course Adolf Hitler.

''White supremacy or white supremacism is a form of racism centered upon the belief, and promotion of the belief, that white people are superior in certain characteristics, traits, and attributes to people of other racial backgrounds and that therefore white people should politically, economically and socially rule''

The text above is a short explanation of White supremacy ideology according to Wikipedia which I have a problem with because it stats - ''white supremacism is a form of racism'' saying white supremacy is a form of racism implies that there's other types of racism. NEWSFLASH! There isn't any other type of racism! Racism and white supremacy are intrinsically linked together like how Arabic culture is linked with Islam you can't separate the two. Racism was born out of the corrupted ideology that Humans from the peninsular of Europe are somehow superior to various other groups of Humans on different continents and regions of the world.

What people don't seem to understand about white supremacy ideology is that the vast majority of people living on Earth especially parts of the world that were invaded by the British, French, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese or European Americans are white supremacists! But because the mainstream media and textbooks manipulate the definition of white supremacy to mean the extreme KKK or neo-Nazi groups most people believe that white supremacy is a more narrow term than it really is.

Below is the true definition and the signs of White supremacy ideology:
  • The assumption that a certain ethnic group or nation were ''undeveloped'' before White people ''colonised'' the land
  • The assumption that everything important in history came out of Europe
  • The bleaching of skin to become ''lighter skinned'' like the image to the right...
  • Looking down on people who don't speak a European language
  • Saying ''Black people need to forget about slavery''
  • Assuming that Europeans invented everything in the modern world
  • Claiming all Muslims are terrorists
  • Using the word ''Immigrant'' to describe groups of people from ''3rd world Countries'' who migrant to the ''1st world Countries'' while calling White people who migrant to lesser developed countries as ''EXPATS''
  • The current Eurocentric education system
  • The current Eurocentric standard of beauty (I'll go in depth latter)
I can go on but I'll stop there; this White supremacy regime enforced over the world causes self hatred among Non-whites, negative behaviour among Non-whites especially people of African ancestry and constant feelings of inferiority among us.

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